3 Exercises To Improve Your Posture
What does it mean to have good posture? Good posture involves holding your body, both in static positions as well as with movement, in such a way that places the least amount of stress on your spine and allows your muscles and ligaments to work as efficiently as possible.
There are a number of benefits to having good posture. With good posture, you reduce the wearing on your joints, potentially reducing your risk of arthritis.
Greater efficiency in your muscle use will prevent fatigue and reduce strain on the ligaments connected to your spine. As a result, you’ll have less back, neck and shoulder pain by holding yourself in a more aligned position.
What causes poor posture?
The spine has naturally-occurring curves. At your neck (cervical) and low (lumbar) back, your spine curves slightly in an anteriorly convex manner, known as lordosis. In your upper back or thoracic spine, there is a slight posterior convexity to it, called kyphosis.
Credit: https://images.app.goo.gl/VCU6dgns8XoKcneQA
Over time, poor posture can lead to an increase in these curvatures.
Fix Your Posture! Click here to learn more about our 8-Week Shoulder Mobility & Stability Protocols.
With these changes comes reduced flexibility of the affected joints, neck, shoulder and back pain, and even difficulties with breathing and digestion!
Having rounded shoulders, a slouched back, and forward head posture places increased stress on your spine and on the surrounding muscles and ligaments.
This can lead to muscular imbalances as well, putting you at increased risk for injury.
The good news is that it’s never too late to work on your posture. Incorporate these three exercises into your daily routine to start improving your posture now… Your body will thank you for it!
Exercise 1) Prone Press Ups
Start in a lying, face-down position.
Place your hands directly underneath your shoulders.
Keep your elbows tucked in.
Leave your hips on the floor and while keeping your core engaged, press up into a fully locked out position.
Exercise Prescription: Perform 3 Sets of 8-10 Reps
Exercise 2) Prone Snow Angels
Start in a lying, face-down position.
Extend your arms overhead forming a Y shape.
Keeping your arms extended, bring your hands to your lower back. Then bend your elbows and bring your hands up your back as high as your range of motion will allow.
Exercise Prescription: Perform 3 Sets of 8-10 Reps
Exercise 3) Wall Angels
Start with your back against a wall.
Have three points of contact touching the wall: Upper Back, Lower Back and Head
Keep your head neutral with your spine.
Bring your elbows up to form a 90 degree angle. While maintaining contact, slide your arms up the wall using a slow, controlled tempo.
Exercise Prescription: Perform 3 Sets of 8-10 Reps
Kelly Wild is a licensed physical therapist and member of California Strength’s Olympic weightlifting team.
She believes that health care should be proactive, not reactive and has published a number of online protocols that you can use to reduce your risk of injury so that you can continue to pursue your athletic and fitness goals!
Follow Kelly on Instagram @kellywild8
Book an in-person appointment with Kelly at Ironhorse PT & Pilates in San Ramon
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About Kelly Wild
Kelly is a licensed physical therapist and member of California Strength’s Olympic weightlifting team.
She believes that health care should be proactive, not reactive and has published a number of online protocols that you can use to reduce your risk of injury so that you can continue to pursue your athletic and fitness goals!
Book an in-person appointment with Kelly at Ironhorse PT & Pilates in San Ramon
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