Cal Strength Olympic Weightlifting Programs

Weightlifting programs designed for each level of Olympic weightlifting athlete, whether you are picking up the barbell for the first time or preparing for a National meet, we have a program for you! Train alongside the California Strength Weightlifting Team and get access to new training cycles every month.


Cal Strength Starter

3 Training Sessions Per Week

For the beginner lifter wanting to add structure to their training and develop technique.


Cal Strength Club

5 Training Sessions Per Week

For more experienced weightlifters who wish to compete in the sport of weightlifting.


Cal Strength Elite

9 Training Sessions Per Week

Follow the same intense programming as our in-house weightlifting team.


Cal Strength Masters

5 Training Sessions Per Week

For the masters weightlifter, age 36+ who has a goal of balancing improvement with recovery.


Get a Goal Specific Program

Accomplish a specific goal, like setting a new one rep max Back Squat, in a set period of time.


Are you picking up the barbell for the first time or feel like you've been taught wrong in the past? This program will help you learn proper Snatch and Clean & Jerk technique from the ground up.

3 Training Sessions Per Week

Olympic Strength & Hypertrophy Program

Coming back from an injury? Return to baseline and beyond with this eight week program! This program is a combination of two world famous Cal Strength training cycles; The Incredible Bulk and Jacked & Tan.

5 Training Sessions Per Week

Squat Program

PR Your Front Squat and Back Squat In Eight Weeks! Follow a progression introducing volume and intensity undulation to drive your new PR performances!

5 Training Sessions Per Week


California Strength has dominated the United States Olympic weightlifting landscape, producing numerous National Team Titles, American Records and earning medal recognition on the international stage.

Founder and Head Coach Dave Spitz holds recognition as one of the few USA Weightlifting Senior International Coaches in the country.

All Training Programs Come With Access to Video Form Check Reviews & Coaching Through Instant Messaging

Guaranteed Results

  • Improve Your Weightlifting Technique

  • Increase Your Squatting, Pressing & Pulling Strength

  • Become Competition Ready


“Within the first cycle I think I PR’d my Jerk, my Back Squat, my Clean and it was absolutely wild.”


—Josee Gallant

“Cal Strength really helped me tie things together and I started improving astronomically.”


—Mark Dahlstrom

“I started using Cal Strength as a complete beginner. Now I’m a National level weightlifter.”


—Allie Rose


Not sure which olympic weightlifting program is right for you?

We’ll recommend the perfect program for your training goals!