Will BODYBUILDING Make You A Better Weightlifter?
5 Minute Video
In this video, we’re giving you a license to become a JACKED weightlifter and reasons why bodybuilding and accessory exercises are critical for your long term success.
If your weightlifting program doesn’t include accessory exercises that challenge you in a variety of strength training domains, you’re leaving serious gains on the table.
I have roots in the Bulgarian System, where accessory work and non-weightlifting movements are frowned upon. After implementing this system early on with the Cal Strength Weightlifting Team, we quickly figured out that success is situational and that exercise variation was going to play a key role in the success of American athletes.
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Moving forward to the Cal Strength System we implement today, we use a targeted approach to accessory exercises knowing that there are many benefits to be gained including:
Opportunities to build in Prehab / Rehab
Lymphatic Flushing
Promote Connective Tissue Health
Improving Aesthetics While Maintaining Functionality
Filling Out Weight Classes (By Adding Muscle)
Giving Female Lifters Additional Musculature Focused on the Upper Body
The Cal Strength approach to bodybuilding and accessory exercises is structured in the following way:
Upper Body: Push vs. Pull
Lower Body: Squat vs. Hinge
Unilateral vs. Bilateral
Concentric vs. Eccentric vs. Isometric
Ballistic vs. Time Under Tension
There are several ways that we can add variation to your accessory exercises:
Shorten Rest Periods
Utilize Difference Intensities
Sets To Failure Superset Pairs
Conditioning Sets with Multiple Exercises
Work Outside the Classic 3x10 Rep Range
You Deserve To Be On The Podium
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About Dave Spitz
He is the founder and head coach of California Strength. Dave holds recognition as a USAW Senior International Coach and is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist. He’s spent the past 15+ years coaching athletes in Olympic weightlifting, CrossFit and the NFL.
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